Thursday, 26 April 2012

My Animation

This is my animation, NJOY


  1. Great job it runs very smoothly

  2. the music fits the animation well

  3. good job looks really good, like the character and good cutout animation

  4. it was very impressive
    it went very smooth and had not many big gaps

  5. Jack - I thought this animation came across as fun and it is clear that you selected a theme of something in which you had a strong interest - the enthusiasm shines through! Good structure and good character movement. I thought the figure of Jason could have shown more of him moving across the skyline in London and Italy, rather than just the top of his head; I think the focus on the character could have been tighter in places; I think the music could have been given a credit at the end. But this is a good piece of work and it is clear that you learned a lot from this particular assignment. Well done!

  6. I like it everything fit together.

  7. the music works well but you could have made the character do more

  8. i like this piece of animation as it looks like a professional did it.

  9. Good stuff jack animation was good, don't understand the guy with the knife touring the world, but apart form that great stuff.
